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The words displayed in blue are masculine whereas the ones
in red are feminine.
Expressions or words that can either be masculine or feminine are displayed in green.
French | English |
French | English |
adopté | adopted |
adoptif | foster |
apparenté | related |
l'arbre généalogique | family tree |
le beau-fils | stepson son-in-law |
le beau-frère | brother-in-law |
le beau-père | stepfather father-in-law |
la belle-fille | stepdaughter daughter-in-law |
la belle-mère | stepmother mother-in-law |
la belle-sœur | sister-in-law |
la bru | daughter-in-law |
le conjoint | partner (male) |
la conjointe | partner (female) |
le cousin | cousin (male) |
la cousine | cousin (female) |
le demi-frère | half-brother |
la demi-sœur | half-sister |
l'enfant | child |
l'enfant unique | only child |
l'épouse | wife |
l'époux | husband |
la famille | family |
la femme | wife |
la fille | daughter |
le filleul | godson |
la filleule | goddaughter |
le fils | son |
le frère | brother |
le frère jumeau | twin brother |
le gendre | son-in-law |
la grand-mère | grandmother |
le grand-père | grandfather |
les grands-parents | grandparents |
le mari | husband |
la marraine | godmother |
la mère | mother |
le neveu | nephew |
la nièce | niece |
l'oncle | uncle |
les parents | parents |
le parrain | godfather |
le père | father |
le petit-fils | grandson |
la petite-fille | granddaughter |
les petits-enfants | grandchildren |
la sœur | sister |
la sœur jumelle | twin sister |
la tante | aunt |
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